Category: Uncategorized

  • How I Fix Asthma or Flu

    I used to be asthmatic, I also had to wear a gas mask for 8 years to stop chemicals roasting my lungs, though my skin fell off from the chemicals anyway. The only part of my skin unaffected was where I wore the gas mask and goggles and shoes but I’m OK now.  I use…

  • Did Arsenic or other poisonous gases cause the Plague?

    Did Arsenic or other poisonous gases cause the Plague? by Cal Crilly Did arsenic cause the plague, was it rats at all, when comets and meteors hit us they leave earthquakes and severe earthquakes will release gases and poisons like arsenic. If there were meteors in the sky, they could have hit areas like Siberia…

  • HTLV-1 Virus Alert For Aboriginal Communities in Australia. 2021

    Dr Anthony Fauci who is promoting deadly drugs like Remdesivir for COVID and pushing a dangerous gene therapy vaccine that has no evidence that it works, is also a close colleague of Dr Robert Gallo who ‘invented’ the ‘HIV’ test. Gallo is presently fishing for viruses in Australian aborigines. If you wish to repost this…

  • The AIDS Drug Experiments on Black and Hispanic Children in New York. 2004

    Liam Scheff did this expose of AIDS experiments on Black and Hispanic children in New York back in 2003-4 and Pam Popper just did the review of it below so now it is timely to remember. If you wish to repost this article on any blog or website without changes to the written format you…

  • Liam Scheff Interview on AIDS Experiments on Orphans. 4ZZZ Radio 2005

    This is a 4ZZZ radio interview by Heather Anderson with Liam Scheff who broke the ICC orphanage experiments on Black and Hispanic children in 2005. BBC GUINEA Pigs FOSTER kids-NEW YORK CITY 2005 Liam’s last message is still on Robert Scott Bell’s site here. A message from Liam Scheff, friend and author of Official Stories.…

  • How Rock Hudson’s Liver Failure Conned 325 Million Out Of Congress

    Anthony Fauci did this virus fear rip off with the fake HIV AIDS test years ago.  The commercial mode of operation is to use a fraudulent test that picks up common viruses, in AIDS we blame retroviruses which are 8% of our DNA, and then use medication that is both useless and toxic. AIDS/Dr. Anthony…

  • The Muddled Beginnings of The AIDS ‘Pandemic’ in 1981

    You may be amazed at the arrogance of Dr. Michael Gottlieb. Originally, I left this on a blog in Mexico with a friend years ago, I have just copied it and pasted it into here. If you wish to repost this article on any blog or website without changes to the written format you have…

  • What is the HIV Retrovirus?

    This is my explanation of this phenomenon where HIV disappears, you can try and argue with it, we at least need to raise the bar higher. If you wish to repost this article on any blog or website without changes to the written format you have my permission to do so. Cal Crilly  Originally posted here…

  • Did the Polio Vaccine ever work? Probably not.

    There is good evidence for pesticides having caused polio paralysis and the vaccine never actually worked, while the polio epidemic faded away after pesticide reduction. In Human virome studies polio type viruses or Picornaviridae are endogenous to the stomach, polio viruses may always be in the gut. ‘The most commonly detected RNA viruses include Caliciviridae,…

  • Interview with Kim Marie Bannon, USA, about her court case against the HIV test in 2005.

    Interview with Kim Marie Bannon, positive in the HIV test for 13 years and taking the HIV test manufacturers to court in Kansas. Using the 4ZZZ radio interview booth in Brisbane on Friday 22nd July 2005. Cal Crilly- I’m speaking to Kim Marie Bannon from Wichita in Kansas who started a court case against the…