HTLV-1 Virus Alert For Aboriginal Communities in Australia. 2021

wake up

Dr Anthony Fauci who is promoting deadly drugs like Remdesivir for COVID and pushing a dangerous gene therapy vaccine that has no evidence that it works, is also a close colleague of Dr Robert Gallo who ‘invented’ the ‘HIV’ test. Gallo is presently fishing for viruses in Australian aborigines.

If you wish to repost this article on any blog or website without changes to the written format you have my permission to do so. Cal Crilly 

The ‘HIV’ test was put onto the market in 1984 without any oversight or peer review from other scientists.

To put it simply the HIV test for a deadly AIDS retrovirus was made up and no scientist was ever allowed to question if it worked.

That same Dr. Robert Gallo right now is trying to claim aboriginals in Australia are infected with a deadly leukemia retrovirus called HTLV-1…

This is scary because his solution will be to give AIDS drugs to aborigine communities to ‘cure’ HTLV-1.

HIV was previously called HTLV-III, this is a similar scam to the Delta, Gamma variants in the news every day now.

“Dr Robert Gallo from the University of Maryland school of medicine said: “If I was in Australia and this virus was around, it’s not going to stay only in the Aboriginal community, and sooner or later I’d sure want to be tested.

That’s a no brainer. Testing the population to know who’s infected, that’s a no brainer.”

Gallo told Guardian Australia the HTLV-1 prevalence rates among five Aboriginal communities in central Australia, where more than 45% of the adult population has the virus, are “extraordinary”.

“This is a priority. If this was in America now, I’d really be yelling.”

Treat HTLV-1 virus or risk it spreading widely, doctor who discovered it warns

See this suggestion here, “it’s not going to stay only in the Aboriginal community” he is saying we need to test aborigines because if they carry HTLV-1 they will be a danger to the wider ‘normal’ public.

HTLV-1 never killed anyone in Japan.

“We examined mortality from adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL/ATLL) and other diseases alleged to be associated with human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) among anti-HTLV-I antibody-positive blood donots in Kyushu, Japan. During 1984–87, a total of 3,991 blood donors aged 40 years or over were followed from the date of donation to the date of death or the end of the study. Crude mortality rates from ATL (with 95 percent confidence intervals) were 68 per 100,000 (13–202) for males and 36 per 100,000 (3–132) for females. The rates were underestimated by approximately 50 percent because of self-selection and short observation periods. Neither death rates from other cancers not death rates from all cancers were elevated.” 1990

Follow-up of asymptomatic HTLV-I carriers among blood donors in Kyushu, Japan

This is what Australian health scare says about HTLV-1.

‘HTLV-1 is one of the same type of viruses as HIV-1 and HIV-2 that cause AIDS. HTLV-1 does not cause AIDS, but it is spread in the same way.

Between 5 million and 20 million people throughout the world are infected with HTLV-1. Infection is most common in parts of southern Japan, the Caribbean, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, South America, Papua New Guinea and central Australia.

In Australia, HTLV-1 is of greatest concern for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In some remote Aboriginal communities, almost half the population carries the virus while in others, very few people do.’

‘If you have adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma, there are many treatment options including antiviral drugs, chemotherapy and stem cells transplants.’

HTLV-1 infection

This is what Robert Gallo said about Africa years ago, he was always a racist.

“The subject turns to Africa, where AIDS is most prevalent and probably began. Gallo and nearly all others in the field believe the virus began around the rural areas near Lake Victoria.

The virus probably passed from African green monkeys into man when hunters ate the animals or, less likely, when monkeys bit their human predators. “Who really knows?” Gallo says blithely. “Maybe there’s some ritual with monkey blood — who knows? They do a lot of funny things in Africa, like when they make the lower lip stick out or when they put things through their noses.”

According to Gallo, Belgian missionaries reported illnesses resembling AIDS as many as 25 years ago, but those reports soon passed. Tribes were more isolated from one another then, and such a disease was unlikely to go far. The virus began its spread with the change in African demographics and sexual habits.

“Tribes began to be less isolated,” Gallo says. “There was more social and sexual contact between tribes, and people began moving more into the cities. There’s been a rise of prostitution and promiscuity. The infection rate in places like Zaire and Kenya is astronomical.

“The ancient Romans had a saying: ‘Anything new . . . Africa.’ “

HIV is literally a racist theory that claims Africans eating monkeys infected with a monkey retrovirus called Simian Immunodeficiency Virus or SIV then contracted HIV.

‘To explain how a disease originating in one continent was yet disseminated to the rest of the world from another, the scientists have argued that there was a remote central African “lost tribe” in whom the virus had been present for centuries, or alternatively who acquired the infection from monkeys 30 or so years ago. Haitians (but no-one else) working in central Africa then became infected (presumably heterosexually) and, on returning home, spread the disease to homosexual American tourists. By this circuitous route the virus reached the United States and from there spread to the rest of the world.’


The main problem with this theory is that SIV is a necessary retrovirus for monkey pregnancies, it never caused any AIDS in monkeys just as in humans, we have 8% retroviruses in our human DNA, and we do not get sick from retroviruses.

Quite the opposite, our retroviruses are involved in cell growth and cell fusion.

Due to the involvement of retroviruses in cell growth children and women have the highest levels.

This is why in Africa where most HIV testing is done on pregnant women there seems to be an epidemic of ‘HIV’ but it is just pregnant women testing positive to a fake test.

HIV proteins in normal human placentae 1991

I have a friend in Africa and his wife was tagged HIV+ when pregnant, they gave her 6 weeks of the drug AZT before birth and 6 weeks of the drug AZT to the child after birth.

AZT is the drug that killed Freddie Mercury and millions more and is still used to this day in AIDS drug formulas, but in lower less lethal doses so people die slower.

‘This is why pregnant baboons are also HIV+ and all pregnant monkeys have SIV.

‘The results of this study confirm the specific expression of retroviral cross-reactive antigens in normal baboon placental tissues and suggest placental cellular proteins may have antigenic similarity with those recognized by anti-HIV/SIV antibodies.’ 

Characterization of antigens expressed in normal baboon trophoblast and cross-reactive with HIV/SIV antibodies

In the 1980’s they extracted blood from sick people with ‘AIDS’ symptoms and injected chimpanzees to try and kill them. This was a complete failure and most of those chimps survived into old age and were moved to a retirement zoo about 12 years ago.

‘During the 1970s and 1980s, animal research laboratories relied heavily on chimpanzees. After the AIDS epidemic, there was an upsurge in demand for chimps.

Monkey catchers swarmed around the African rainforest to trap baby chimps for Research. Adult chimps are difficult to catch, they are highly intelligent, and also seven times stronger than humans. The catchers wasted no time. They used brutal methods to trap the young chimps. The mother–child relationship is as intense for chimps as for humans. Infants cling to their mother’s belly for three years, and ride piggyback for four more years. Shooting their mothers was the only way to catch the infants.

Most of our Chimpanzees came from Sierra Leone and were intended for the IMMUNO lab in Orth – then, located in Vienna. After 1997, due to a company takeover, they were released from animal experimentation. Their new owners (Baxter) conduct no experiments with primates. In 2002 the chimps were transferred to a safari park. After the Safari Park went bankrupt in 2004, the chimpanzees became in 2009  ‘Aiderbichler’!  The construction of their future home began.’  

Former Lab-Chimps

Read further for a quick guide to 40 years of AIDS drugs and an understanding of the potential disaster for aboriginal communities if HTLV-1 ever gets turned into a fake epidemic.

‘As the planet’s “Virus Tsar” since 1984, he has spread misinformation and ignored critical questions. The consequences could hardly be more fatal.’ 

‘The massive experimental use of highly toxic drugs is the key factor.’

Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir

This article has all the deadly details on AZT and was written in 1989, no one back then noticed sadly.

‘August 17, 1989: The government has announced that 1.4 million healthy, HIV antibody-positive Americans could “benefit” from taking AZT, even though they show no symptoms of disease. New studies have “proven” that AZT is effective in stopping the progression of AIDS in asymptomatic and early ARC cases. Dr. Fauci, the head of NIH, proudly announced that a trial has been going on for “two years” had “clearly shown” that early intervention will keep AIDS at bay. Anyone who has antibodies to HIV and less than 500 T-4 cells should start taking AZT at once, he said. That is approximately 650,000 people. 1.4 million Americans are assumed HIV antibody-positive, and eventually all of them may need to take AZT so they don’t get sick, Fauci contended.’

AIDS and the AZT Scandal: SPIN’s 1989 Feature, ‘Sins of Omission’

‘Mercury discovered he had AIDS in 1987. He had a Kaposi’s sarcoma lump on his shoulder. KS is such an advanced symptom of AIDS — wasn’t there any preceding sign that he’d been infected with HIV? No, says Hutton, nothing. “His attitude was ‘Life goes on’. He took AZT and nearly every other drug available. The doctors came to the house to treat him.”

Hutton didn’t take a test himself. “I was afraid.” An HIV test he took in 1990 confirmed that he had the virus. He didn’t tell Mercury until he tested positive again a year later. “All Freddie said was ‘Bastards’.”

Hutton was healthy. Mercury was becoming more ill. “The doctors thought he shouldn’t do the Barcelona video. But his attitude was ‘I’m not going to let this thing beat me’. I noticed how skeletal he’d become only on the morning of his last birthday. Maybe I was in denial. But I think Freddie knew when it was the time to let go. He decided to come off his AIDS medication three weeks before he died.”
Jim Hutton: ‘I couldn’t bear to see Freddie wasting away

Freddie’s boyfriend Hutton lived another 20 years and then died of cancer.

This other piece of history explains how HAART or Highly active antiretroviral therapy was devised. HAART is a few different AIDS drugs all mixed together and repacked as a brand name drug.

They are often called ‘drug cocktails.’

It was an awkward moment in 1993 when Burroughs Wellcome, now Glaxo, had to admit that AZT had killed everybody from 1987 to 1993 and so Fauci and his fellow pseudo-scientists decided to lower the dose and repackage AZT with other drugs and they called it HAART, same difference, slower death.

The famous people that died on the lethal dose of AZT during that time were Freddie Mercury, Kenny Everett and Rudolph Nureyev plus hundreds of thousands of gay men conned into taking AZT as a ‘cure’ for AIDS.

Controversy of Early AZT Usage Divides the Berlin AIDS Conference

“Angry,” “Frustrating,” Controversial,” and “Confusing.”

These are the words Doug Nelson used to describe and characterize the International Conference on AIDS being held in Berlin in Germany.

Nelson, the Executive Director of the Milwaukee AIDS Project. (MAP}, reporting by phone, said that the major debate, the “scientific controversy and confusion” was over the results of the Concorde Study and the American response to it. The results of the Study were reported to the Berlin Conference on the morning of June 8, 1993.

The recently Completed Concorde Study, done in Great Britain, was a 4-year study of 1,700 people on the effects of AZT on Inhibiting the replication of HIV, the virus ‘thought’ to cause AIDS.

The Study indicates that early AZT therapy for people who are HIV positive but asymptomatic makes ‘no significant difference in either the progression of the disease or in individual survival when the drug is used alone.

The Concorde Study is the longest study on AZT as a single drug therapy.

Because of its length, Nelson said. Its results have had a “powerful” effect on the Conference.

“The Concorde Study is casting shadow over the use of AZT alone,” Nelson said,

American scientists are pointing out that Concorde studied AZT alone.

The British researchers did not study the effect of AZT when given in combination with drugs such as DDI or ddC.

The Americans, Nelson said, are raising the issue of combination drug therapies as the direction we are heading.

“That is the debate in this whole conference,” Nelson said.. “There is no consensus on any conclusion. The scientific community is now divided.”

Nelson added that to him and others attending the Conference, this is “frustrating in the extreme, the controversy demonstrates to me” Nelson said, “that after 13 years of this epidemic, there are no answers. We have only scratched the surface.”

Fauci speaks to the Conference.

On Tuesday, June 8. 1993, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institutes of Health Office of AIDS Research in Washington, D.C. spoke to the conference. According to Nelson. Fauci said that ‘the research he has been involved with shows that in the first 12 weeks after infection with HIV, replication of the virus is very high in the lymphatic system.’

Fauci also reported that his studies show that immune ‘system activation is profound in the first 12 weeks’. Activation is a profound way makes the T cells more susceptible to infection’.

Nelson said that “It’s a catch-22. We have in find ways to enhance the immune system without triggering profound activation of that system and thus leaving person more open to infection.”

Nelson said that Fauci gave no answers, no way to do this. “‘This is the great controversy,” Nelson said, “How to find a way to make some progress? My sense is,” Nelson confirmed, “is that we’re walking into an era of scientific gridlock on HIV research.” That, he said, would be “disastrous,”

Nelson sharply condemned the U.S. and other developed countries that ‘have not made much greater investment in scientific research on ‘AIDS.” He reiterated his frustration over the fact that “in 13 years of AIDS, there are no answers. We’re back in ground zero” he said.

See Your Doctor

Nelson wanted it to be “‘very clear” that MAP recommends that those of its clients on drug therapy should “immediately” talk with their physicians.’ (basically advising that if you are on AZT then stop now)

From The Wisconsin Light VOLUME SIX, No. 12—June 10, 1993—June 23, 1993

“The US major media did little to enlighten the public when it signalled the potential failure of ZDV (AZT) as therapy and the failure of CD4 as a disease marker.

Instead this failure caused some fear and frustration for both patients and physicians. Burroughs Wellcome, in an effort to stem the tide of misinformation, opened the conversation about Concorde to interested media via a teleconference. While informative, it left participants with very little more than they knew before.” 1993

The Concorde Study and Its Impact on Clinical Decision-Making in HIV Care

“The results of Concorde do not encourage the early use of zidovudine in symptom-free HIV-infected adults. They also call into question the uncritical use of CD4 cell counts as a surrogate endpoint for assessment of benefit from long-term antiretroviral therapy.” 1994

Concorde: MRC/ANRS randomised double-blind controlled trial of immediate and deferred zidovudine in symptom-free HIV infection

Everyone in the Concorde trial died, I chatted to one HIV+ guy on the internet around 10 years ago who was still alive and well, he said he survived because he dropped out but all his friends died.

Women and children get the same dose of AZT that was used between 1987 and 1993 plus the new toxic antiretroviral Nevirapine, forward to now and the mutations are being reported.

Antiretroviral Prophylaxis and the Risk of Cleft Lip and Palate: Preliminary Signal Detection in the Food and Drug Administration’s Adverse Events Reporting System Database 2012

So everybody knows how virology hypnotism works.

look out there